LGO Dutch Auction

You can participate in this auction by offering LVL in exchange for newly minted LGO.

To see historical commitments to LGO Dutch Auctions, visit the LGO Auction page

Participating in the LGO Dutch Auction

  1. Connect your wallet

  2. Navigate to the LGO Auction page

  3. Enter the Amount of LVL you want to bid with

  4. Click ‘APPROVE’ and confirm the pop-up transaction in your wallet

  5. Click ‘COMMIT’ and confirm the pop-up transaction in your wallet

  6. Once confirmed in your wallet, you will see a "Transaction Completed" pop-up on the LEVEL UI after a few seconds.

  7. After the auction is finalized, all participants will get LGO tokens proportional to their contribution to the pool

LGO tokens acquired via the auction can be claimed directly after the auction has been finalized - if the auction fails, all participants will have their committed LVL returned

Last updated